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Thread: Networking

  1. #1

    Default Networking

    I am going to my first networking event tomorrow sponsored by my local Chamber of Commerce.
    Since this is an entirely new thing to me, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to network at such an event. I assume since it is an event set up ENTIRELY for networking that I shouldnt have any trouble, but I am wondering if I need anything with me other than my business cards? And do I need to have some sort of spiel ready about the work I do? Or just talk and let people ask me questions as I ask them questions?

    Any tips would be highly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    All Ceasons Design
    All Ceasons Design
    freelance graphic artist

  2. #2


    Hi AllCeasons,

    I've never been to a Chamber event, but I know in business school they taught us about having an "elevator speech" for events like those. Basically, it's a quick speech (fast enough to start and finish on an elevator ride) about what you do and how you are different from other businesses like yours. That could come in handy when meeting lots of different people in one night. Hope that helps.
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  3. #3
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    ive been into networking for many does work for a while, but unless you are able to come up with leads on a steady basis for those giving you leads it will die one time i could get 2-4 leads a week for people, since the economy tanked further its down to 0-1 lead a month....i have lost most of my networking buddies.........and ive had some that I get leads for that dont give them back to ive dumped them in works both ways

    my local chamber did nothing for me....there wasnt a 'givers gain' philosophy ......i assume most people just threw out the cards on their way out the door..

    if you plan on attending monthly i wouldnt focus 100% on focus 75% on friendships and 25% on need to be aggressive or else you may find yourself standing alone in the corner....this still happens to me sometimes at some of the events i attend...when everyone knows everyone else and you dont its tough....most of the time if you barge in the people bring you into the conversation...

    i found the chamber in my area to be the most worthless networking.....maybe its just my area, or maybe its just the nature of it....i have had good luck with BNI and medeocre luck with some other networking groups....BNI is good because it forces people to get leads, but its bad because some people give you junk some times....

    if you want info on BNI= pm me....i can tell you about my experience...the first few years were very positive and profitable

  4. #4


    Thank you both for your input! Its very helpful.

    Huggy - I have recently moved across the country and dont know anybody in my new state. I am hoping that this little networking event can help me to meet people not only for leads but also to make friends and get out of my house! My expectations are not very high, but I figure it cant hurt to get out and meet other small business owners. I will PM you on BNI info though as a way to make actual leads!

    Thanks again for all your help!
    All Ceasons Design
    freelance graphic artist

  5. #5
    Queen of the Forum
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    Definitely focus on making connections. Getting the word out about your business is also necessary, but keep in mind that forming connections will give you more outlets than bombarding people with your business cards and information. Having an elevator speech is a good idea. Two or three sentences that describe what you do will clue people in quickly and won't leave you struggling to explain what your business is.

    It sounds weird, but I've started to think of face to face networking events a lot like I think about social media. It's about forming connections first, and about sharing what you know. Generating new business and publicizing your services is part of it, but the main thing is just to be a useful part of the community.

  6. #6
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    If you have a smart phone, you can download an app that let's you scan business cards straight into your contacts list. It's great for events and you never lose the card nor do you fill your wallet or pocket with cards that end up in the wash.

  7. #7


    Just have a elevator speech ready, custom designed business cards, and a great attitude. Having awesome business card can also be great ice breakers.
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