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Thread: Google Analytics ???

  1. #1
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    Default Google Analytics ???

    Hi All,

    I set up google analytics on my sites probably a good 6 months or more ago now. However whenever i have upgraded the scripts running my sites, i have not replaced the code, and as such none should have had any code, or been updating the stats for over a month. From when i updated to wordpress 2.6 i think it was.

    However i took a look today and realized that for some of the sites i thought had no code they were still collecting data up to and including today, except for the one that i updated to wordpress 2.7 almost a month ago.

    So i am kind of confused, all of them when you click on check status say that data is still being collected. So i do not really know what it is doing.
    Joel Brown
    My Travels

  2. #2
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    vangogh's Avatar

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    You said you haven't replaced the Analytics code. That's not the same as removing the code. Looking at the sites in your sig all have the Google Analytics code except for Orion Networks. Are you seeing data from Orion still being collected? The other three sites should be sending data to Analytics.

    If it is Orion you mean that shouldn't be collecting data, is it possible the GA code was left on some of the pages. I only checked the home page.

    You don't need to upgrade the Google code when you upgrade other code on the site so unless you removed the GA code it would still be there sending data to Google.
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  3. #3


    or do a site search, either with DW search and repace (a great feature but be careful, no going back if you replace), or with some editor program. a bunch do this well.

  4. #4
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    It was my blog and no fixed office out of the ones in my sig i was talking about. The code had been removed entirely, but there was still data showing for the period it was gone. The reason the code is there now is because i added it again yesterday.

    Orion Networks i did not add the code when i changed layout, how it is something i will need to do soon. There is consequently no data showing. However the the other two my blog , and no fixed office are showing data and the code as definitely not there was i had to manually add it to the footer again.
    Joel Brown
    My Travels

  5. #5
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    Joel both of those sites were showing the Google code when I checked. I just checked again and still see the code. View your source and look right above the closing body tag. I see tracking code on both. Only Orion Networks didn't have the code.
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  6. #6
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    The code is there now because i added the code to the sites again, however, it was not there for approx 1 month and yet i have data for the time the code was not there.
    Joel Brown
    My Travels

  7. #7
    Post Impressionist
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    Oh. I guess that's why I see the code now. Are you sure there wasn't anything there. It does seem strange that Google could collect data when you didn't have any code on the site. I'm not sure how they'd be able to do that unless they were getting the data from another source.

    When you look at the stats for that month does is seem different than the months around it? Are certain pages showing most of the stats or is it the same as it always was? All I can think is you somehow left the code on some pages without realizing it. Otherwise I can't think of how they could collect any data.
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