Don't count on many vets being much help to you. In my area 80% of them already sold food in their clinic. The food the vets sell in most cases are terrible foods (Hill's and Purina) and they will feel threatened by someone that doesn't have a veterinary background that will know more than them about nutrition. We contacted around 100 vets in our area and only a handful (4 to be exact) of them were willing to help us. The ones that helped us were only moderately helpful because they didn't want to alienate their entire profession by exposing the fact that the other 96 vets in our area were ignorant about pet nutrition.

You will need a plan/strategy to provide something that the on-line retailers don't provide. We spent a lot of time and money educating people about our quality food - only to lose a percentage of them to the on-line retailers. People will pay a couple dollars more to buy locally - but, many of them will not pay $8 or $10 more (per bag). One of our brands was available $9 to $14 per bag cheaper than SRP (including the delivery). That was too much of a price difference for most people once they found out how much cheaper it was available. There was no way we could lower our margin to compete with that.

Your smoothies will need to be 60 to 80% meat if they are going to be nutritionally appropriate for a carnivore. So, you might have to get comfortable with tasting the meat ones also.

Finally, the term "Human Grade" has a legal definition and requires a higher level of inspection. Just be careful if you use that term in any advertising material. It may cause you to undergo some inspections you might not be ready for.